First PC game supporting Microsoft Kinect is confirmed

Though there’s speculation that Microsoft will eventually provide Windows support for its Kinect hands-free control system for the Xbox 360, it seems like everybody is jumping the gun. Hackers have made it work with PCs almost from its launch, and now a Korean PC game developer is claiming its new title will support Kinect.

GamePrix told IncGamers that its game Divine Soul will include support for Kinect for its combat mode. The company also says that “there are many [PC] game companies that are trying to apply for this system.”

Questions abound concerning the announcement, including why GamePrix is divulging Kinect support when no other PC game company has, and does this mean an announcement about official Windows support for Kinect is coming sooner than later. Or is GamePrix just building support into its game and hoping that hackers take care of the rest? Maybe next month’s CES will provide a more definitive answer.

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